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Set de arte con plantillas de dibujo grandes para niños de Creativ’ Artesanía – Más que 200 formas, Impresionante kit de creatividad & Actividad de viaje ligera para niños, Juguete Educativo para Niña y Niño, Regalo ideal para niños.

Drawing Plastic Stencils Set for Child FUN

Enhance Your Children’s Artistic Side Now and Everywhere!

• Do you consider creativity to be an important skill for the personal development of your child?
• Did you ever wonder how to keep your child busy at the restaurant or during a trip?
• Do you want to do beautiful drawings to your child and share a fun experience with them?
• Are you looking for some help in your DIY projects for home decoration?

Introducing a Unique Artist Set to the Rescue!

• Designed to be easy to carry and light weight so your child can have fun everywhere
• With a size of 11×7 inches, it’s perfect to fit any table (cars, airplanes, trains, restaurants)
• Contains 12 stencils, 8 colored pencils, 20 sheets of drawing paper and 1 sharpener

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $28.98.

(as of 01/25/2019 at 18:56 UTC)